Status of payment of interest 30.09.2021
Outcome of BM- Adoption of Financials-30.09.2021
Intimation of BM-Adoption of Financials - 30.09.2021
Details of ISIN_30.09.2021
CG Report-30.09.2021
60(2) - Notice of Record Date-30.09.2021
54(2)-Declaration on security or assest cover - 30.09.2021.pdf
52(7)- Statement of Material Deviation-30.09.2021
52(2)(e)-Intimation on Audit Report Unmodified Opinion Reg - 30.09.2021.pdf
52- Financial Results
51(2) Summary of AGM-30.09.2021
23(9) -RPT Half Year Intimation Reg - 30.09.2021
13(3) - Investor Complaints_OICPL_Sep, 2021
Status of payment of interest 31.12.2021
Outcome of BM-Adoption of Financials- 31.12.2021
Intimation of BM-Adoption of Financials-31.21.2021
CG Report-31.12.2021
60(2)- Notice of Record Date-31.12.2021
54(2) -Declaration on security or assest cover Reg - 31.12.2021
52(7)- Statement of Material Deviation-31.12.2021
52(3)(e) -Intimation on Audit Report Unmodified Opinion - 31.12.2021
52 Financial Results
51(2)-Change in Directors
13(3)-Investor Complaints_OICPL_Dec, 2021
Format of Initial Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate
Prior Intimation of BM-Adoption of Financials 31.03.2022
Outcome of the BM- Adoption of Financials-31.03.2022
Details of ISIN_31.03.2022
CG Report-31.03.2022
74(5)-Compliance Certificate - 31.03.2022
61(4) PCS certificate on transfer of shares - FY21-22
60(2)-Notice of Record Date-31.03.2022
57(4)-Prior Intimation-31.03.2022
54(2) -Declaration on security or assest cover- 31.03.2022
52-Financial Results
52(8) Newspaper Publication- 31.03.2022
52(7)- Statement of Material Deviation-31.03.2022
52(3)(a)-Declaration w.r.t. unmodified opinion
51(2)-Summary of EGM-22.03.2022
51(2)-Notice of Amalgamation
51(2)-Appointment of sec auditor
51(2) Summary of EGM-08.03.2022
24 (A)- Sec Compliance Report
23(9)- Half Yearly RPT
13(3)-Investor Complaints_OICPL_March 2022
7(3) Compliance Certificate - FY 2021-2022
OICPL_Compliance Officer & RTA
Unmodified Opinion_LRR_30.06.2022
Statement of utilisation of funds_Reg 52(7)_30.06.2022
Security Cover Details_30.06.2022_Reg 54
Prior Intimation_Payment of Interest_Reg 57(4)
Prior Intimation of BM_Reg 50(1)(c)_10.08.2022
Outcome of BM_10.08.2022
Newspaper Publication_Shifting of RO
Newspaper Publication_Financial Results_30.06.2022_Reg 52(8)
Intimation of payment of interest_Reg 57(5)
Financial Results_30.06.2022_Reg 52
Credit Rating_Reg 51 & 55
Compliance Certificate_Reg 74(5)_30.06.2022
CG Report_30.06.2022
Intimation of BM - 17.05.2022
EGM Intimation 17 May 22
57(4)-Prior Intimation-30.06.2022
Financial Results - Reg 52
Newspaper Publication_Reg 52(8)
RPT Disclosure_Reg 23(9)
Security Cover Certificate_Reg 54
Statement of material deviation
Declaration for unmodified opinion
Financial Results_Reg 52
Outcome of BM_14.11.2022
Prior Intimation of BM
CG Report Disclosure
OICPL_Trading Window Disclosure
OICPL_Reg 57(4)
OICPL_Reg 13 (3)_30.09.2022
OICPL_Outcome of 17th AGM
OICPL_Disclosure-Reg 60(2)_Signed
OICPL_Disclosure -Reg 57(5)
OICPL_Disclosure -Reg 57(1)
OICPL_CG Report_30.09.2022
OICLP_Reg 74(5)
Annual Report Intimation Reg 50(2) & 53
Summary of Proceedings_EGM_07.07.2022
Prior Intimation_issue of NCDs_Reg 50(1)
Prior Intimation of EGM_Reg 50(2)_07.07.2022
Outcome of BM_06.07.2022
Change in Directors_Reg 51(2)
Statement indicating deviation_Reg 52(7) and 52(7A)
Security Cover_Reg 54
Prior Intimation of BM_09.02.2023
Outcome of BM_09.02.2023
Newspaper Publication_financials_Q3
Intimation for record date and DT notice for Redemption
Financial result_Q3
Audit Report with Unmodified opinion
OICPL_Reg 13(3)_31.12.2022
OICPL_SDD Compliance Certificate
Corporate Governance Report_Disclosure
Compliance Certificate_Reg 74(5)
Closure of Trading Window
Notice of Record Date_Regulation 60(2)
Disclosure_Reg 51(2)
Interest Payment_Reg 57(1)
Intimation Under reg 57(5)
Prior Intimation BM_Reg 57(4)
Statement of utilisation and material deviation Reg 52(7)_31.03.2023
Prior Intimation of BM_Financial Results 31.03.2023
Outcome of BM_Q4 FS_31.03.2023
Newspaper Publication of FS_Reg 52(8)_31.03.2023
Large corporate D
Half yearly RPT disclosure_Reg 23(9)_31.03.2023
Financials_Reg 52_31.03.2023
Details of ISIN_31.03.2023
Declaration of unmodified opinion_31.03.2023
Compliance Certificate Reg 74(5)_31.03.2023
Compliance Certificate Reg 61(4)_31.03.2023
Compliance Certificate Reg 7(3)_ 31.03.2023
CG Report _31.03.2023
Asset Cover Details_31.03.2023
Annual Sec compliance report_Reg 24A
Resignation of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Resignation of CFO
Regulation 60(2)_Intimation of Record Date_30.03.2023
Regulation 57(5)_Partial Redemption
Regulation 57(5)_Interest Payment
Regulation 57(4)
Regulation 57(1)_Partial Redemption
Regulation 57(1)_Intimation for payment of interest
Regulation 51_Consent of Bond Trustees and Bond Holders
Regulation 51 and 59_In Principle approval for modification in terms
Regulation 51 and 59_Final approval for modification in terms
Prior Intimation of BM_16.02.2023
Outcome of
OICPL_Newspaper Publication_Reg 52(8)
OICPL-Reg 50(1)- Prior Intimation of BM for June 2023
OICPL_Trading window closure_30.06.2023
OICPL_Statement of Deviation or Variation_Reg 52(7)_30.06.2023
OICPL_Security Cover_Reg 54_30.06.2023
OICPL_SDD Certificate_30.06.2023
OICPL_Reg 74(5)_30.06.2023
OICPL_Reg 57_Interest Payment 30.06.2023
OICPL_Reg 13(3)-Investors complaint_30.06.2023
OICPL_Reg 6(1) and 7(1)_30.06.2023
OICPL_Outcome of BM_10.08.2023
OICPL_CG Report_30.06.2023
OICPL- Reg 52- Declaration w.r.t. unmodified opinion_30.06.2023
Financial Results_OICPL_30.06.2023
Reg 57(1) Interest Payment_31.05.2023
Reg 57(1) Interest Payment_30.04.2023
Record Date_31.05.2023
Record Date_30.06.2023
Record Date_30.04.2023
Prior Intimation_Reg 57(4)
Regulation 55_Credit Rating
Appointment of CS and CFO
OICPL_Trading window closure_30.09.2023
OICPL_Shifting of Registered Office Intimation
OICPL_SDD Certificate_30.09.2023
OICPL_Related Party Disclosure_30.09.2023
OICPL_Reg 57_Interest Payment Intimation_31.08.2023
OICPL_Reg 57- Interest payment Intimation_30.09.2023
OICPL_Reg 57_Interest Payment Intimation_31.07.2023
OICPL_Reg 54_Security Cover_30.09.2023
OICPL_reg 52_Financial Results_30.09.2023
OICPL_Reg 52_Declaration for unmodified opinion_30.09.2023
OICPL_Reg 52(7)_30.09.2023
OICPL_Reg 13(3)_Investors complaint_30.09.2023
OICPL_Reg 6(1) and 7(1)_30.09.2023
OICPL_Record Date_31.08.2023
OICPL_Record date_30.09.2023
OICPL_Prior Intimation of BM for quarter ended 30.09.2023
OICPL_Outcome of BM_07.11.2023
OICPL_Outcome of AGM_30.09.23
OICPL_Newspaper Publication_30.09.2023
OICPL_EGM Proceedings_04.07.2023
OICPL_Details of ISIN_30.09.2023
OICPL_Compliance Certificate_Reg 74(5)_30.09.2023
OICPL_CG Report_30.09.2023
OICPL_AGM Notice and Annual Report Intimation
OICPL__Record date_31.07.2023
Signed-OICPL_Reg 13(3)-Investors complaint_31.12.2023
Signed_OICPL_Statement of Deviation or Variation_Reg 52(7)_31.12.2023
Signed_OICPL_SDD Certificate_31.12.2023
Signed_OICPL_Reg 74(5)- RTA certificate_31.12.2023
Signed_OICPL_Reg 57- Interest payment_31.12.2023
Signed_OICPL_Reg 6(1) and 7(1)_31.12.2023
Signed_OICPL_CG Report_31.12.2023pdf
Signed_Final newspaper publication
Signed_ OICPL- Reg 52- Declaration w.r.t. unmodified opinion_31.12.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting_06.02.2024
OICPL_Trading window closure_31.12.2023
OICPL_Security cover as
OICPL_Reg 50(1)(c)- Prior Intimation of BM
OICPL_Record Date_Reg 60(2)_31.12.2023
OICPL_Financial statements_31.12.2023
OICPL - Outcome of board meeting approving scheme of capital reduction
OICPL - Interest payment intimation 30.11.2023
OICPL - Report of complaints
XXII. No objection certificate from bond trustee
XII. OICPL - CS MD and CFO confirmation on detailed Compliance Report
XI. Statutory Auditor’s accounting treatment Certificate
X. OICPL - Details of audited financial statements for previous 3 years
VIII. OICPL - Fairness opinion report
VII c. OICPL - CS confirmation on no promoter or director is a wilful defaulter
VII b. OICPL - CS confirmation on no past default of listed debt obligations
VI. OICPL - Certificate for non applicability of valuation report
IV. OICPL - Scheme of reduction of share capital
III. OICPL - Audit Commitee report on the scheme
II. OICPL - Board report on the scheme
OICPL_Resignation of CFO
OICPL_Reg 60(2)_Record Date_31.10.2023
OICPL_Reg 60(2)_Record Date_30.11.2023
OICPL_Interest Payment Intimation_31.10.2023
OICPL_Reg 57- Interest payment_29.02.2024
Signed_OICPL_Trading window closure (1)
Signed_OICPL_Trading window closure
Signed_OICPL_Reg 57- Interest payment_31.03.2024
Signed_OICPL_Record Date_Reg 60(2) - 31.03.2024
Credit Rating OICPL
OICPL - AC resolution 06.02.2024
OICPL - AC resolution 12.01.2024
OICPL - Confirmation by CS or MD
Record Date for interest payment_31.01.2024
Record Date for interest payment_28.02.2024
Interest Payment intimation_31.01.2024
Appointment of Chief Financial Officer
Clarification letter issued by the Statutory Auditors of the Company
OICPL - Addendum to non applicability of valuation report on with Annexure
OICPL - Independent Opinion RV - Signed
Addendum to non applicability of valuation report
Compliance Report
Modified Scheme
Addendum Fairness Report
Record date Reg 60(2) Intimation for redemption
Intimation under Regulation 51